Little Flat Creek Ranch began in 1991 as a family operation to manage wildlife. Since then, our ranch has grown to cover 2,100 acres of fields, lakes, and streams that support quality wildlife, including whitetail deer, wild turkey, buffalo, large-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, blue gill, and catfish. The purpose of our ranch is to provide safe and successful hunting and fishing opportunities for children with life threatening conditions through the Catch-A-Dream Foundation. Our mission is to maintain the highest level of ethical standards with respect to our Christian principles, family values, national and state regulations, and a profound respect for nature and the value of all life.
Mareth Enterprises is a Proud Sponsor of No Poor Among Us
In the spring of 2006 David and Charlotte Hamblin traveled to Africa and looked for ways to help people feed themselves. During the Hamblin’s initial time in Mozambique a woman approached them and said, “Many people come and say they want to help, but they never come back.” From that moment on, the Hamblins decided that they wanted to be the ones who came back. Our mission is to help the women and girls of Mozambique; we want to give them an opportunity to become educated and develop job skills so they too have a chance to create no poor among them.
Mareth Enterprises is a Proud Sponsor of Charlie 22 Outdoors
Charlie 22 Outdoors was founded, as a result of our passion, to “Serve those who have already Served.” We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based out of Webb City, Missouri. We have no paid staff and our Board of Directors are all volunteers. You may or may not be aware of this, but every day in our country 22 veterans commit suicide. That total is more since 9/11 than all together the number killed in action from the Korean War through today’s conflict in the Middle East. This has to stop. The PTSD and the personal demons they face are very real. We provide our events free of charge to those we serve and their families. We cover all expenses including travel, lodging, food, tags, guides, taxidermy, and meat processing. We believe that healing can take place when a relationship with Jesus Christ is formed.

Project Genesis is a social project that develops new businesses and in return helps our local community in Purdy, Missouri. This project promotes economic development in Purdy by providing funding to innovative start-ups. This is done Via a mutually beneficial ownership and profits disbursement agreement, these businesses contribute to Project Genesis through their financial success. This facilitates further economic social projects or investments in new start-ups who apply to the program.
Project Genesis also intends to invest in Purdy itself–with construction underway to add on to the current garden/park and build a new Post Office in the downtown area. Also we want to create better housing in the Purdy area and to become energy self-sufficient by installing a wind turbine, solar or a biodiesel plant. We also use energy efficient processes and equipment to minimize our carbon foot print.
In addition, Project Genesis supports the local school district through numerous donations to promote educational programs for our youth. Purdy School’s Arts, Technology, Athletics, FFA and Vocational departments have already benefited from the profits of our many ventures.